Total .NET SourceBook Trial Version Download
Thank you for using the Trial version of Total .NET
SourceBook! We hope that you will take this opportunity to
evaluate the product and discover how it can assist you in
your Visual Studio .NET development.
Please take a moment to read this document as it contains
important information for the trial version.
Introducing Total .NET SourceBook!
Total .NET SourceBook is the ultimate code library for .NET
developers, teams, and enterprises. It provides the best collection
of ready-to-use code snippets, classes, how-to’s, and articles. It
also allows you to manage your own code and share knowledge within a
team by using the fully searchable code repository. Total .NET
SourceBook will have your entire team developing faster, sharing
code better, and more reliably than ever.
For more information about this product and the other FMS products
for Visual Studio .NET, visit
Important Information for the Trial
The Trial version of Total .NET SourceBook is designed to
provide you with the opportunity to evaluate the product,
and is for evaluation purposes only.
Please be aware of the following before you install or
use the Trial version of Total .NET SourceBook:
The Trial version includes only a subset of the
source code for the product. The full version
will contain significantly more source code in the
FMS code database.
This Trial version will expire and cease to
function 60 days after installation.
Download the Trial
Separate trial versions are available for each version of
Visual Studio .NET. Download the appropriate trial for the
version of Visual Studio .NET that you are using:
Learning About the
While we have
designed Total .NET SourceBook to be as
intuitive as possible, you should spend some
time familiarizing yourself with the basics
before using it. To do this, use the Online Help
that comes with the product. You can access
Online Help from the program by pressing [F1],
or by going to your Windows Start Menu and
selecting Programs, FMS .NET Suite, Total .NET
SourceBook, Help.
Total .NET
SourceBook has the following system requirements:
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
Hardware and
software supported by Microsoft Visual Studio
Approximately 5 MB Free Disk Space.
Feedback: Reporting Problems and Getting Help
If you require Technical Support for this product, please
visit our Support Forum.