Total .NET Analyzer

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Performance, Profiling & Debugging

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Optimized for Visual Studio .NETTotal .NET Analyzer for Visual Studio Code Analysis

Total .NET Analyzer Product Guide

Thank you for your interest in Total .NET Analyzer! Total .NET Analyzer provides comprehensive analysis of your C# and Visual Basic .NET projects. It examines your applications and identifies errors, performance problems, and standards issues.

FMS is pleased to provide you with this Product Guide to assist in your evaluation of this exciting new member of the FMS family of development products.


Introducing Total .NET Analyzer

Total .NET Analyzer is an add-in to Visual Studio .NET that provides on demand analysis of Visual Basic .NET and C# code. Use Total .NET Analyzer to find bugs, performance problems, and standards before you deploy your application.


With the advent of .NET, developers have a powerful new set of tools for building complex and demanding applications. .NET introduces new programming practices, coding standards, and optimization techniques. Getting up to speed with the new tools and framework can be a difficult process.

Total .NET Analyzer helps you in this process by identifying issues as you develop your code. Total .NET Analyzer covers a full spectrum of issues, from naming guidelines to optimizations that only a seasoned developer, given enough time, may be able to detect. Total .NET Analyzer will help you:

  • Find bugs before you deploy your application
  • Detect performance bottlenecks
  • Implement standards and best practices
  • Identify non-optimal usage of the .NET framework

Even if you are a .NET professional, analysis is an essential part of application development and maintenance. As your applications grow, the volume and complexity of code often prevents a detailed audit of your code. Without a consistent, automated analysis tool, developing and maintaining programs becomes a time consuming chore. Total .NET Analyzer is designed to reduce and eliminate many of the tedious and difficult parts of development. Use Total .NET Analyzer every step of the way:

Developing New Applications

Total .NET Analyzer can improve the development process from the start! The sooner you start analyzing your applications, the sooner you can start correcting issues and implementing "best practices." It’s much easier to do it right the first time around than it is to change applications that have already been deployed. Plus, Total .NET Analyzer helps you learn along the way by offering detailed suggestions for improvements.

Maintaining Existing Applications

Total .NET Analyzer can help you refine and improve existing applications. Total .NET Analyzer is quick, and its results can be viewed directly in your .NET solution. Simply click, and you’re taken to the exact location in code where the issue exists.

Key Features and Benefits



Parser works in real time Built on our integrated .NET parser, Total .NET Analyzer parses your entire project in the background, and quickly pinpoints where issues occur.
Full integration with Visual Studio .NET You don’t have to leave Visual Studio to perform your Analysis. Total .NET Analyzer appears as a toolwindow right in the IDE.
100% .NET Total .NET Analyzer is written in 100% managed C#, and was designed from the ground up to be completely integrated with Visual Studio .NET and SourceSafe. With lightning-fast project parsing, a powerful listview and issue report, code analysis is now easy and accurate.
Analysis on demand Click on Analyze and Total .NET Analyzer quickly builds a list of every issue found in your solution.
Over 150 rules detected Total .NET Analyzer detects over 150 issues ranging from standards and best practices to serious performance problems. Visit the Rules page for a complete list.
Customize the analysis to suit your needs The Rule Editor allows you to customize the analysis that is performed to suit your own needs. Turn rules on/off, modify rule severity and category, and add notes to individual rules.
Easily navigate to issues in your code The Analyzer list shows the type of issue, class name, member name, line and column, and a preview of the line of code containing the issue. Just click on the result item, and you’re taken directly to the location of the issue!
Learn and improve coding techniques Clicking the "Information" button shows a detailed description of the issue with possible solutions. As you improve your code, you will learn how to improve your own development skills!
Create a report of analysis issues You can send the entire contents of the Total .NET Analyzer list to a report at the click of a button.

Using Total .NET Analyzer

Below is a quick introduction to Total .NET Analyzer. Please see the help file or manual for a more detailed description.

Launching the Program

When you install Total .NET Analyzer and run Visual Studio .NET, the add-in is automatically loaded into the IDE and the Total .NET Analyzer toolwindow appears. With this default behavior, you do not need to open or start the product—it is automatically loaded whenever you start Visual Studio .NET.

Start Total .NET Analyzer by selecting clicking [Analyze] in the Total .NET Analyzer tool window, or Tools, FMS .NET Suite, Total .NET Analyzer, Analyze from the Visual Studio .NET menu.

The Toolwindow

The Total .NET Analyzer toolwindow contains most of the program’s functionality. The toolwindow shows you a list of errors, suggestions, performance tips, and standards.

Using the Rule Editor

Total .NET Analyzer includes a Rule Editor, which allows you to control the analysis results that you see. The Rule Editor also allows you to set the category, severity, and add notes to individual analysis issues. Click the button on the toolbar: and the Rule Editor appears:

More Information Report

Basic information about each result issue shows in the Name and the Title columns of the Issues List. To learn more about an issue, click the “More Information” button on the toolbar, and an HTML page opens with additional information:

Using the Results Report

Total .NET Analyzer allows you to generate a Results Report for viewing and printing. To generate a report for the list currently showing in the Issues List (including any sorting, grouping, and filtering that you have applied), press the Results Report icon on the toolbar, and an HTML window appears showing the current list:

To print the report, press the Print button on the toolbar.

General Information

System Requirements

Total .NET Analyzer has the following minimum system requirements:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
  • 3 MB Free Disk Space
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows XP Professional, or Windows NT 4. Total .NET Analyzer is not supported under Windows 95, 98, or ME.
  • PC with a Pentium III-class processor
  • At least 256 MB RAM

Product Packaging

Total .NET Analyzer is available for download upon purchase. A product CD and manual are available upon request

Technical Support

Free technical support is available by phone, fax, email, and on our web site.

Licensing, Pricing, and Availability

Total .NET Analyzer is licensed on a per-user basis. Each user who runs the program must own a license. Pricing is $499 per license, $1,499 for a 5-Pack. Additional discounts available for quantities of 25 or more.

Total .NET Analyzer can be purchased directly from FMS, corporate resellers, and international distributors. All FMS products offer a 30-day money back guarantee.


Thank you for taking the time to review Total .NET Analyzer. We invite you to put the product through its paces, and contact us if we can provide any additional assistance in evaluating the product. If you're serious about developing in Visual Studio .NET, you'll find Total .NET Analyzer to be an invaluable tool to help you deliver higher quality solutions in less time.

About FMS

Founded in 1986, FMS is a privately held software firm located in Tysons Corner, Virginia. FMS has created a wide range of commercial products for the Microsoft Access, SQL Server, Visual Studio and Visual Basic communities. With tens of thousands of customers in over 100 countries, FMS customers are comprised from a variety of public and private organizations including 90 of the Fortune 100. Committed to innovation and quality, all FMS products are developed by an in-house team of experts including several Microsoft MVPs, published authors, and conference speakers. FMS is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, a Microsoft Independent Software Vender (MSDN ISV), and member of the Visual Studio .NET Integration Program (VSIP).

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Visual Basic, C#, and Microsoft Windows are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Total .NET Analyzer is a trademark of FMS Inc. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Reprints and use of extracts from this document are permitted.